Mount Wellington

I live near Mt. Wellington. In fact, I live so close to Mt. Wellington that I often go for walks up the mountain for a bit of exercise and some time to think.

Now, it’s called a mountain not because it’s particularly big, but because it is, technically, a volcano. I took a number of photos up there but this is my favourite (click for more detail):

Where else in the world can you walk up a mountain and look at the skyscrapers of the biggest city in the country with a bunch of cows grazing nearby? I love Auckland.

Almost shafted

I had an interesting run-in with a financial advisor these past few weeks that I would like to relate to you. It all started when I decided on the spur of the moment that I needed superannuation (super is best arranged on the spur of the moment, I am sure).

Now, I know that the University has a fantastic scheme where they pay more than dollar-for-dollar. What this means is: for every dollar you pay into the scheme, the University will pay a little over a dollar in as well. That’s frigging fantastic, let me tell you right now. Continue reading Almost shafted