Boundless Potential

It's a Rock!As the eldest child, I was constantly worried of overshadowing my younger siblings, setting the bar to high as it were. I was very culturally and academically active in high school and so set a pretty high bar. Was my shadow too large or deep?

Some time ago I rather ruefully noted that my sister surpassed me academically. She studied far harder and far longer than I would have dared and as a result is now a doctor for whom I have so much respect and admiration for.

This post and its title, however, pertain specifically to my younger brother: Scot. On Tuesday I was fortunate enough to drive down to Hamilton to visit with my parents and see Scot’s high school prize giving. It didn’t take long to determine who the star of the show was.

Prepairing to Sing I knelt there in the aisle next to his cheering peers, camera in hand, focussing and snapping at this single figure centre stage, while his teacher read out his exhausting list of accomplishments and he (true to form) theatrically juggled his many awards, including the rather heavy looking agate on a plinth.

Scot took the music & drama route: he plays the piano, the guitar, theatre-sports, sings, acts, you name it, he does it.

Proud ParentsBut that’s not the truly remarkable thing about Scot, the truly remarkable thing is the energy and joy with which he applies himself to his trade, because that’s what it truly has become. At the tender age of 18, Scot has a clear vision of where he’s going: he’s going to make it in that complex and cutthroat world of theatre.

I have no doubt he will be successful, he knows his family is behind him every step of the way.